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Python (Django) SaaS Boilerplate and Starter Kits

Are you looking to build a Software as a Service (SaaS) product with Python and Django? Well, you're in luck because Python has a vast collection of starter kits and boilerplates that can help you launch your SaaS product in no time. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to some of the best Python SaaS boilerplates and starter kits that can help you get your project up and running quickly. Whether you're an experienced Django developer or a beginner, this list has something for everyone. So, without further ado, let's dive in and explore these amazing resources!
Have you still not decided which tech stack to use to build your SaaS? TypeScript, Node.js and React are a powerful combination that lets you use the same language on both frontend and backend. Read more about our Node.js + TypeScript + React SaaS boilerplate.

SaaS Pegasus

SaaS Pegasus is a codebase that provides core features needed for developing software applications with a streamlined development experience. It includes features like user accounts, team and invitation workflow, subscriptions, content management system, API ecosystem, background tasks, per-seat pricing, admin UI, user impersonation, feature flags, two-factor authentication, flexible deployment, tests and CI, internationalization, Docker-based development, multiple CSS themes, choice of front end, built-in toolchain, OpenAI examples, example charts, eCommerce example code, email sending, error monitoring, and security measures. It is built on top of the secure Django web framework and designed to help developers get a product to market quickly, testing the service and building a demo in weeks, not months. The SaaS Pegasus ecosystem offers a community, comprehensive documentation, and continuous releases for upgrades.

Read more about SaaS Pegasus

SaaS Forge

SaaS Forge is a Python/React boilerplate for creating SaaS applications. It provides a modular and ready-to-use application with JWT authentication, RESTful API, and database ORM. The boilerplate includes predefined database models, automated imports of API endpoints, and customizable themes. Advanced features include payment integration, user admin dashboard, and social logins. SaaS Forge is designed to save time and money for developers and is compatible with Heroku and AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

Read more about SaaS Forge


GeniePy is a SaaS boilerplate that helps developers quickly build and launch their next web application using Python. It includes a variety of features such as Auth0 user management, Stripe payments, SEO-optimized blog, database integration, cloud file storage, GraphQL API, and more. It offers a simple and straightforward pricing model, and is built using the latest stable releases of Python and Starlette, providing efficient and fast performance. It also comes with documentation for deployment targets such as Render, Fly, and Heroku, and offers out-of-the-box support for application tracing using Datadog and error monitoring using Sentry.

Read more about GeniePy


The Vanty Starter Kit is a SaaS boilerplate built on the Django Framework and TailwindCSS that allows developers and founders to quickly launch a production-ready SaaS with minimal effort. It includes essential core apps such as payments, workspaces, authentication, CRM, reports, and webhooks. The product is designed for developers and founders with Django/Python knowledge and familiarity with Python is a plus for Data Science and Machine Learning Engineers. The kit includes features like control panel, REST API, tests & CI, async tasks & scheduling, UI components, charts, code editor, Tailwind CSS, Docker support, multiple pricing models support, and supports multiple frontends. The product offers two types of licenses, single site and multi-site, and comes with a 15-day full refund policy.

Read more about Vanty



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SaaS Starter Kit and Boilerplate


Python and DjangoRuby on RailsPHP

© 2024 SaaS Boilerplate and Starter Kit with Node.js and React - Volca.