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Multi tenancy

The Volca SaaS boilerplate and starter kit comes with multi tenancy support. This enables users to create their own space in your SaaS and invite their teammates.


How is it built?

Learn more about the technologies behind this feature.


All the components and pages for our multi tenant SaaS dashboard are built with React.


Authorization middlewares are provided to make sure that users can access only data that belongs to their respective tenant,


Project selector example image


Volca comes with a pre-configured middleware that makes sure only users with access to the project that an entity belongs to can access the entity.

We can easily add our new route and include the authorization middleware. We first specify a route that is prefixed with /projects/:projectId followed by /todos. We then add the authenticationMiddleware and authorizationMiddleware. The authentication middleware will ensure that the user is authenticated and attaches the user to the request. When the request moves on to the authorization middleware it will ensure that the user has access to the project specified in the :projectId parameter and has one of the specified roles. The request will then be passed to your endpoint if the user has access to the project, otherwise the request will be blocked.

authorizationMiddleware([Role.OWNER, Role.ADMIN, Role.MEMBER]



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Volca Logotype

SaaS Starter Kit and Boilerplate


Python and DjangoRuby on RailsPHP

© 2024 SaaS Boilerplate and Starter Kit with Node.js and React - Volca.